Tuesday, April 28, 2015

New Short Film: The Burden of Choice

This year is the 10 year anniversary of a short film my friends and I made called "If," which explored one man's fascination with a choice he'd made in the past, and his curiosity of the alternate life he might've lived. A decade later, "choice" is still a subject of wonder to me because it's simultaneously the greatest gift, and the most overwhelming burden. So from this wonder, I'm re-visiting the theme in my next short film: The Burden of Choice.

WM Productions will be teaming up with members of The Majors Productions to create a unique, entertaining and philosophical 10-minute piece.* It takes place in a world where, if you're stuck at a fork in the road, a certain gifted individual can see down both paths and tell you both outcomes. 

I like the way the character says it in the script:

Do you remember those books for children, where you choose the adventure? The book will say, if you want to take the car, turn to page three. But if you want to take the train, turn to page six. That’s what my gift is. If your life is one of those books, I’m able to look ahead at those pages. I can tell you what happens if you choose the car . . . or the train.

In tone, this will be somewhat similar to Halina. In fact I like to think that both of these projects are siblings in what I hope can become a larger family of projects over time.

Each film is a tremendous learning experience and something I'm trying out this time around is bringing the crew in very early into the pre-production stages. In fact as of this writing, the majority of the crew is solidified and casting hasn't even begun yet (this is a first for me)!

Acting as DP for this go-around will be Marc Riou, returning to sound will be Rob La Rosa and my buddy Sean King will be returning as gaffer. Also returning is Enge Atef, who will once again be handling auditions as Casting Director (stay tuned for announcements).

Last weekend the three crew guys and I explored the shooting location and determined this will be a 2-day shoot in mid-to-late June, so it's coming up fast already. The rest of the pre-production schedule is being put together this week and the next two months are going to fly, so keep checking here for updates on the new project The Burden of Choice, as well as for potential festival or screening announcements for Halina!

*My film projects are getting shorter and shorter, from 90 minutes to 30 minutes to 10 minutes! At this rate my next project will just be a Vine.

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