Saturday, February 21, 2009

Film Debt...PAID!

Not two minutes ago, I scheduled the final online payment for the loan I took out in 2007 to make Purgatory Comics. This last payment was made possible by another juicy tax refund for Warm Milk Comics Inc. So in the end, the movie cost approximately $25-grand and over $12-grand came back to me in returns the last two years. Yummy.

It will be nice to have once less bill each month. It's also nice that if this thing turns out to be a terrible mistake, at least I'm not paying for it anymore. I remember initially I was doing a lot of research on investors and even knew a guy that expressed some interest. But now I'm so happy I didn't go that route. Okay, off to the Post Office I go to mail out 4 more festival screeners.


Unknown said...

RALPHY!!!!!! fabuloso for you, lets get this baby going, we desperately need a good film out there and this is gonna be it , can this bwe the JUNO OR LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE OF 2009????????????????????? any Purgatory Comics hats out there yet? LOVE AND KISSES THE OLD BASTARDO PW (rs)

Unknown said...

RALPHY!!!!!! fabuloso for you, lets get this baby going, we desperately need a good film out there and this is gonna be it , can this bwe the JUNO OR LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE OF 2009????????????????????? any Purgatory Comics hats out there yet? LOVE AND KISSES THE OLD BASTARDO PW (rs)